Mortgage Broker in Sheffield

Get clear, impartial mortgage advice so you can secure the right deal on your perfect home in the UK’s ‘steel city’.

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Author: Phil Scott - Director
Updated on September 13th, 2024
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Mortgage advisor offering advice

Mortgage Advisor in Sheffield

When you’re looking for expert mortgage advice in Sheffield, you’ll want to speak to someone who cares only about finding you the most favourable deal for your circumstances. Combining local insight with national scope, our advisors search the whole UK market – often sourcing exclusive deals – and tailor their recommendations to be solutions that will stand you in good stead for years to come.

Sheffield’s proud history as a centre for industry and sport means it has attracted all kinds of people and you’ll be able to choose from a wide variety of housing stock. Recent investment in the city has seen extensive redevelopment and improved infrastructure, making it an exciting and popular place to live. Whatever your ideal home looks like, you’ll find it here in Sheffield.

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As unlimited mortgage brokers, we’re perfectly positioned to find you exactly the right mortgage to meet your needs. With access to the full spectrum of mortgages across the UK market – including products not listed publicly, and often at exclusive rates you won’t be able to get elsewhere – you’ll have the best possible chance of obtaining a home loan that meets all your requirements. And all tailored to your circumstances and your finances.

Image of a mortgage advice brochure from The Mortgage Centres

Getting a Mortgage in Sheffield

In the course of our everyday practice, we’ve helped every type of home-buyer you can imagine to secure the mortgage they need. Whether you’re a new or experienced landlord, first-time buyers, a council tenant looking at Right to Buy, or an established home-owner moving house or considering remortgaging, we’ll know exactly where to look to find you the most favourable deal.

Our process is reassuringly simple – one of our team of brokers will sit down with you and listen to what you’d like to achieve and go over your circumstances. If you’ve had issues due to being self-employed or an adverse credit history, don’t worry – we know lenders that will accept applications where mainstream lenders might look the other way. We’ll help you to understand all your options, so you can make an informed decision and walk you through the process towards making a successful application.

How Can We Help?

If you’re looking for a mortgage advisor in Sheffield or it’s surrounding areas, The Mortgage Centres have been helping people across Essex with their mortgages for over 20 years. We take great pride in offering a well-informed and local service through our extensive network of regional branches.

Support from Our Leading Industry Experts

The Sheffield Mortgage Centre team is run by one of our most experienced advisors…

Phil Scott | Director at The Mortgage Centres

Phil Scott

Graham Hodgson | Director at The Mortgage Centres

Graham Hodgson

Rana Miah | Director at The Mortgage Centres

Rana Miah

Emily Scott | HR Manager at The Mortgage Centres

Emily Scott

HR Manager
Nicholas Johnson

Nicholas Johnson

Mortgage Advisor
Thomos Hobin

Thomas Hobin

Mortgage Advisor
Matthew Mann

Matthew Mann

Mortgage Advisor
Calvin Liles

Calvin Liles

Mortgage Advisor
David Marcer

David Marcer

Mortgage Advisor
Mark Gardiner

Mark Gardiner

Mortgage Advisor
Niki Bately

Niki Batley

Ashley Sargeant

Ashley Sargent


Sarah-Louise Chittock

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Phil Scott


About the author

Phil has worked in the financial services industry since 1992, having started with a large insurance company. He went self employed in 1996 as an Independent Financial Adviser before setting up his first company, Needham Market Home Financial in 1999.

After four years, he decided to concentrate solely on mortgages and related insurances, and The Mortgage Centres was born. Since then, Phil has been influential in the opening of several new offices as the business continues to grow.


Financial Planning Certificate: 1,2 & 3

Year Attained: 1992

Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice (CEMAP)

Year Attained: 2001

FCA Profile

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